Are you a victim of dental anxiety? Dental anxiety is an oral health condition often characterized by stress or fear often arising over the prospect of visiting your dentist office or having an oral health care treatment performed. For help treating dental anxiety, consider this:
– If you are suffering from dental anxiety, think about your happy place and visualize being there.
– Dental anxiety is often associated with the fear of pain. If you feel any discomfort during a dental procedure, don’t be afraid to speak up so the proper sedative and the proper dosage can be administered.
– If you suffer from dental anxiety, one of the most effective treatments you can consider is speaking with your dentist about acceptable treatment options.
– Muscle relaxant therapies such as deep tissue massage have been known to help alleviate symptoms of dental anxiety.
– If you are having trouble due to noises or sounds often heard in dental offices, speak with your dentist about turning on relaxing music.
– Consider the use of meditative therapy such as yoga to help alleviate dental anxiety.
If you would like to schedule an oral health care treatment with Dr. Eric Dunn and the rest of our team at Willow Creek Family Dentistry, simply call our dentist office at 513-523-7541 for an appointment in Oxford, Ohio. Come in today to learn all about the joys of a stress-free treatment!