When patients are in the process of receiving new dentures, they often have concerns and questions about what to expect with dentures in terms of comfort and their ability to eat. Our dentist and team invite you to visit Willow Creek Family Dentistry to address any questions you have about your dentures and their influence on your life. We invite you to continue reading below to learn more about adjusting to wearing dentures.
It’s common for patients to experience mild discomfort when they first receive dentures because the restorations feel strange, bulky and unstable during the adjustment period. Dentures become more comfortable as the muscles in your cheek and tongue adjust to the new appliance and eliminate these issues. If the discomfort doesn’t dissipate after a few weeks or months and the still feel bulky dentures, you may need to visit our office for an adjustment, as most denture appliances require a follow-up appointment or two in order to achieve the proper fit for your smile. We encourage you to schedule an appointment as soon as possible if you feel anything is wrong with your dentures.
Another worry patients often have is eating with dentures because they are concerned that the false teeth will make it difficult or uncomfortable. While it’s true that you will need some time to adjust to chewing with a denture appliance instead of your real teeth, it only takes a short period of time to get used to them before you can once again enjoy the foods you love. Starting out with soft foods that you can chew with ease can help you become more comfortable eating with dentures, and you can enjoy more and more firm foods over time. Chewing with both sides of your denture appliance can prevent it from becoming dislodged.
Please feel free to contact Willow Creek Family Dentistry at 513-523-7541 today to speak with our dentist, Dr. Eric Dunn, and learn more about our custom dentures in Oxford, Ohio.