If you look in the mirror and see a healthy, white smile, congratulations! In order to keep it that way, you will need to make sure that your smile is plaque free. You may not realize it, but your teeth are covered in plaque. Not matter how straight, white, and healthy your teeth may be, plaque is constantly forming on... read more »
It is important to make sure that your mouth is well cared for and cleaned at all times. The risks for numerous oral ailments are often due to poor oral hygiene and the lack of cleanliness within your mouth. One such risk is gum disease. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, results from an infection within your gum tissue.... read more »
In the 1930’s a fascinating discovery was made. People in areas where fluoride was found in the water supply had fewer cavities than those who lived elsewhere. Researchers soon discovered that fluoride, which is a naturally occurring mineral had the ability to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent decay. Since that time, many local governments have added fluoride to their water... read more »
General dentistry is about preventing dental health decay, preserving strong teeth and treating unhealthy teeth and gums, but there’s more to dentistry than just that. Of the many subfields of dentistry, cosmetic dentistry is perhaps the most popular. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on increasing the appearance of teeth and can also include a few restorative treatments. Cosmetic dentistry is increasing in... read more »
It's already August and school is just about back in session. While your child is probably ready with ample school supplies and new clothes, is their smile ready for a successful school year? To help your child maintain good attendance, you can help by promoting healthy teeth and gums. To help you do this, our dentist, Dr. Eric Dunn and our... read more »
Are you a victim of dental anxiety? Dental anxiety is an oral health condition often characterized by stress or fear often arising over the prospect of visiting your dentist office or having an oral health care treatment performed. For help treating dental anxiety, consider this: - If you are suffering from dental anxiety, think about your happy place and visualize... read more »
At Willow Creek Family Dentistry, we are happy to offer custom dentures for our patients in Oxford, Ohio who seek pleasing, comfortable dental solutions for their smiles. Once you have restored your smile with the help of dentures, you will want to take excellent care of them so they continue to work their best for you. Let's take a look at... read more »
When we think of dentures, we generally think of older people. Most of us think that dentures won’t be a part of our lives until we hit our 50’s or 60’s. But accidents happen that may cause us to lose one or more of our teeth. Disease, certain medical conditions or oral hygiene issues can also lead to lost teeth.... read more »
Are you looking to improve your smile for future aesthetics and functionality? Although dental sealants cannot truly reverse dental damage, they are highly effective at preventing future damage from occurring. Guard your smile with durable dental implants. Here are some of the advantages: - Children as young as 6 can safely and effectively benefit from sealants on their molars when... read more »
Are you aware that sleep apnea has more than one form? Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which breathing, while you sleep, becomes difficult or hindered. Central sleep apnea is caused by brain signals facilitating breathing that are being sent from your brain not correctly reaching your body. Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by obstructions in your breathing airway.... read more »